it's a book

it's a book

“openhearted blend of memoir and science writing…

an empowering resource”

-Publishers Weekly

Written by the creator of the “She’s A Beast” newsletter, this mash-up of memoir and science writing is the rare story of a woman finding joy in a body that, for so long, she considered her enemy.

A Physical Education traces Casey Johnston’s journey of calorie restriction and obsessive cardio—making herself small in almost every way—to finding healing through the (unexpected) practice of lifting weights. As she progresses, carrying groceries and closing heavy doors become easier. As she diligently practices checking in with how she feels, she begins to question not only how she has treated her body, but how she sees herself and the world. This growth also fuels a deeper understanding: how the mainstream messaging she received about women’s bodies has seeped into almost every other area of her life.

Combining wit, rage, and a reporter’s eye for detail, Johnston recounts how she learned the process of rupture, rest, and repair—not just within her cells and muscles, but within her spirit.  A love letter to the science of female strength, this is a book for anyone who’s ever longed to return home to their own body.

A PHYSICAL EDUCATION comes out on May 6, 2025. It’s now available for pre-order in hardcover, ebook, and audio formats wherever you get your books!

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For publicity inquiries, please email Staci Burt at



In conversation with Amanda Montell, author of Cultish and The Age of Magical Overthinking

Tuesday, May 6

Skylight Books
Los Angeles, CA

In conversation with Roxane Gay, author of Bad Feminist and Hunger

Friday, May 9

The Strand
New York, NY

In conversation with (Mystery Guest TK)

Tuesday, May 13

Mrs. Dalloway’s
Berkeley, CA

Curious if I’m coming to your city?

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And now, an FAQ…

Must you be doing this right now? There’s a lot going on.

I’ll level with you: I did not hope or aim to be releasing a book with things in this state. That said, this is a book of stories about and reasons for fighting like hell to hold on to yourself, your reality, and other people.

It’s also short and very readable.

Is this book a tedious and lengthy lecture about why I should work out? I already know I should work out. I may be lazy and/or have better things to do with my time, but I’m not stupid.

Very fair question! I am biased, but I don’t think so.

No one knows more than me how preachy stuff about health and exercise can be. With this book, I wanted to make the thing I always wanted to read but could never find, which was both validating to how annoying/intimidating all this stuff is, how normal it is to struggle with it, but also how the system works to alienate us from our physical selves, and what happens when we practice resisting it.

This book is, in some ways, only nominally about working out. When I found this different way of approaching exercise and food and my body, I was shocked to learn that there was this whole other angle to physical existence that affected my perception of the world on an intellectual, philosophical, emotional, and nearly spiritual level.

And the important part was precisely that it defied so much of the nagging out there. If you would like to see those nags undermined, to understand how a different way is possible, and to feel overall lighter about this, this book is for you. This is less of a book about 'lifting is good,' and more about all the ways lifting strikes a blow at all that is evil in our modern world.

I like to think this book is for people who are not terribly moved by either the health or aesthetic impacts of working out. Most people who talk about exercise and body stuff don’t engage with them on a very deep level, because they don’t have to; seeding guilt about “taking care of yourself” or “not being hot enough” works well enough to sustain the fitness and weight loss industries to the tune of billions of dollars. But I don’t think that’s the relationship any of us really want to have with ourselves.

Plus, if you have latent guilt about not working out, there’s hardly a better way to feel like you’re doing something about that without physically doing anything than “reading a thoughtful/exciting book about working out.”

Is there a lot of science? Or is it more storytelling?

It’s a mix of both, which is a tricky balance to strike, and, as my editor says, ambitious. But I and we have worked strenuously on tempering these two elements. We aim for the people drawn to storytelling to find it delightful to experience a few science facts; we hope the science people get a dose of emotional grounding for the information they love. I care about both of these groups of people, and I hope it shows.

Will it teach me how to lift?

There's a lot of good info about that, but no; that's what LIFTOFF: Couch to Barbell is for.

What’s something in the book I wouldn’t know to ask about, but would probably appeal to me?

There is a fair amount in there about what it was like to be in my mid-twenties in New York while working in media, circa 2012-18! I think that was a special time and place, personally and culturally. There’s a rooftop party in the Lower East Side. Gamergate. Dating. The iconic Bushwick neighborhood gym I first started lifting at, that has since closed (!). I didn’t set out to write a lot about any of these things, but it kind of delights me how much of that texture ended up in there.

I’m a voracious reader of all your columns, even going back to The Hairpin days. Is there any point in me reading this book?

Unequivocally yes.

My columns are often on the long side, but you can really only do so much, even across 2,000 or so words. This book contains lots of new information and, more importantly, synthesizes new science across a number of disciplines to create the fullest possible (and to me, most exciting) picture of the discord and harmony that can be created and destroyed between body, brain, and soul via our relationships, food, and physical being in the world.

If it could have been done in a bunch of columns, trust me, I would not have written a book; I would have just fanced up a book’s worth of columns and published them as The Collected Advice of the Swole Woman, or some such.

Even if you know most of the ins and outs about lifting, there is new information in there for you. If you yourself feel very attached to lifting/exercise but often at a loss to explain why, this book will put words to your feelings.

I also tend to refer to my own personal history only obliquely in my columns, but this book draws heavily on my own arc from devoted dieter/extreme lifting skeptic, to where I am now, to build these arguments, if for no other reason than to demonstrate how personal this is to me.

I could have written a book without any of myself in it (and all things considered, probably would have preferred to; I am secretive by nature), but it would not hit the same. My editor keeps using the word “ambitious” to describe the scope of the book, and I really have to agree with her.

I’ve never heard of you before; why should I buy a whole book instead of reading all your free online content about lifting?

Well, not all of it is free; for the last few years, the really good stuff has been published to She’s A Beast paid subscribers only.

But that aside, I believe that our relationships with our bodies, minds, foods, and physical movement are deep wells of feeling and experience for all of us. I find it particularly rude that the depth and breadth each of us contains are often denigrated and shoehorned into being dealt with in 30-second social media posts, or 8-minute workouts.

This book takes the opposite approach, and the story is designed to reclaim and dignify the whole of the experience of physical existence, especially as it ties into our feelings and culture. If you are still working on building or re-building your own relationship to your body, to physical movement, to food, especially if the larger cultural conversations around these things tend to alienate you and fill you with despair and discomfort, this book is for you.

My columns over the years have tackled a lot of discrete topics with practical advice. But there is a much bigger picture into which this all fits together, with many little-discussed veins (biologically, culturally) that run deep in our subconscious.

This bigger picture validates the daily resistance we have to mount against being told how to feel, to push our feelings down and submit to the alleged indignity of being physically alive. But it also gratifies the experience of learning to reject that grind and develop your own relationship with caring for your physical self.

As I mentioned above, if I’d just wanted to put a bunch of digital columns to physical paper, I would have done that.

You are impudent, yet you intrigue me. How long is it?

Less than 250 pages. A very respectable length in terms of bang for your buck. A book like this could be easily twice as long, given the ground I cover. But I’m all about respecting your time, so we paid special attention to creating a sense of fluidity and movement through the length of it. The chapters are even pretty short. Not only that, but my greatest hope is that reading it will be a grounding experience that owners of the book can return to again and again.

Is it sad? I really can’t take anything too heavy right now, or maybe ever again.

I’ll be honest: I’ve been through some stuff that comes to bear in the experience of my lifting-driven journey. There is abuse and trauma. However, what is also present is my irreverence and indomitable spirit, two things that I feel can be specifically rehabilitative to those situations, not just for me to experience, but for people to read about. I aim to neither sweep these experiences under the rug, nor to submit to them. All of this is a part of who I am, for better and for worse, and importantly, not just one or the other.

I’m loath to tell anyone how they should react to this book. It is important to me, as an artist, that you have your own journey with it. But let’s not forget in this moment, first, how witty I am, and second, how respectful of the reader and not-manipulative I am. I’m not trying to do the Surprise Pixar Emotionally Destructive Slap. I will take care of you and me, spiritually.

Let’s suppose I’m not convinced by you, but might be convinced by a third party. Has anyone else read it?

“A Physical Education is a profoundly engrossing journey of how one woman stepped into her power, literally and metaphorically. Casey Johnston is our Virgil through the weightroom, seamlessly blending memoir, history, and science. In lucid prose, Johnston shows how strength training is an exit ramp off the hamster wheel of diet culture and antidote to the shame and isolation so many women experience. Full of heart and humor, this book made me want to get stronger.”

—Elizabeth Greenwood, author of Playing Dead and Love Lockdown

Thank you for your patience in explaining all of this to me; I’m duly convinced! How and where can I buy it?

Thank YOU for asking—you can pre-order it from your favorite retailer here, or wherever you buy your books. I’d be chuffed if you were to request it at your local bookstore or library. I’m very excited for you to finally read it.

I’m in the press or industry, and I would like to interview Casey, have her on my show/podcast, and/or review the book for my publication. Who do I talk to?

For publicity inquiries, please email Staci Burt at



