Ask A Swole Woman
Since 2016, I’ve written a column for women about strength called Ask A Swole Woman. Previously, the column ran at The Hairpin, Self, and VICE.
You can see all past columns at the archive.
Praise for A Swole Woman
“I want to say from the bottom of my heart how grateful I am for your explanation of body recomposition. After a long period of illness/a horrible burn/spinal surgery I lost 5 stone, but was desperately weak and in constant pain and began lifting. For a long time it was a huge emotional challenge for me to EAT LOTS and not get smaller in order to build muscle and you were super instrumental in my understanding that this was ESSENTIAL. So thank you. Love from someone who had emergency spinal surgery and after 6 months of training can now deadlift 70kg :)”
“As I started reading your columns, everything just clicked for me. Your focus on eating to get stronger and being strong vs. being thin was exactly what I needed to hear. Over time, my perspective has changed immensely. Thank you, truly and sincerely, for sharing your wisdom and experience with the world. I’m certain I’m not the only one to whom you’ve made a difference.”
“I have followed you for years and years and because of you have been lifting and eating pancakes in the same morning and I appreciate you giving encouragement for women to do both.”